We risk becoming addicted to innovation.
Over the last few years I have seen an increasing number of companies becoming what I am calling addicted to innovation. There has become...

Simple framework to help you "hack" innovation.
Like me, you probably have a healthy itch to remain competitive and as we have all witnessed it doesn’t take much in today's fast moving...
RIPPLE: A framework for analytical transformation
The idea of the RIPPLE framework came to me whilst working on a project in a large technology company where we are supporting them...

How augmented reality is going to excite your business senses.
For most of us the notion of “augmented reality” (AR) is the stuff of science fiction, but it is coming and it is coming fast. Simply, AR...

Understanding spend analytics and where its headed.
Not so long ago I wrote about “hacking innovation” and presented a basic model which starts with understanding your company’s entire...

RPA actually stands for “Real Paradigm Adjustment”
Robotic Process Automation is as potent to business as the internet was in the 1990’s. In a recent article in Business Insider magazine...